Ah, Friday

Look what I found here on my screen: an ad of a German coffee maker.
In my eyes it perfectly describes online advertisement rather well: undefined stuff, yet you can order it

The days when I am off during the week always feel like weekend, and weekend does not exist for me at all.
Well, I woke early today…to the rain and shrieks of seagulls.
The house is quiet, just as I enjoy…just as I am used to it.
Only the red tissue box by my side
Waiting for the mucus to rise from my chest
Peppermint tea with sugar, instead of milk – Orwell would hate me for that.
But then I am not married to a dead writer yet.
As my day of birth is coming up, I bought a birthday card for my brother, a mother’s day card and a birthday card for my grandmother (she is ever so excited about post coming from abroad). That should cover me until the end of March, although I keep thinking there is a birthday in February…only my dead grandfather’s birthday on the 22nd.
I realized only yesterday in the bathroom, when brushing my teeth, that I didn’t go to his grave this Christmas, the first time.

You can only learn to count to hundred with experiences by the end of your life.

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