Nothing new

You may wonder what have happened to me ever since my holiday.

I became happier, my heart is at ease and joyful, for the grandest reason. The weather is really warm and besides that I have a white stripe on my back cause of the different tops I wear, I dream of photography at night, I dream of certain shots in different angles. Now there is a beautiful,  male vision who supports me with visual ideas…..ah, yeah okay, however flowery you say it, it is always cool: Yep, I lost my heart again, truly, deeply, in truth.

Otherwise there isn’t much new. The fields are changing, farmers standing by the fences watching their huge toys, I still pass by a house that has lots of door handles lying on the floor in its living room, my warm water tap still squeaks when you leave it open for longer than ten seconds and France still disappears in the fog occasionally. 

Now, time for washing my hair and then going for an iced coffee

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